Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thing # 16

I am amazed with wikis and how much they can do. I found a web site that made it very easy to understand. I read how wikis can be used in the classroom as an online collaboration tool. Educational wikis are free which is always a great price! At this website, it allows users to insert plug-ins such as widgets. How amazing to insert videos, slideshows, calendars, and voice chats. There are educational specific materials available at the above website too. Blogs are useful, but they are a one-to-many communication tool. Wikis are used as an online collaboration tool which is great for editing student papers. All the students become involved with the writing process. Anyone can add content, but it needs to be tightly monitored for vandalism.Nevertheless, what a valuable learning tool for them if done properly ! As educators we are trying to engage all of our students. I would like to see a wiki developed at my school for each grade level and within each department. I feel it would help with communication between teachers and administors. Let's face it, word of mouth as the information filters down does have a tendency to get distorted. Hence, rumors begin and take on a mind of their own. Wikis would help with collaboration, so everyone feels he/she has a say and feels as a team.


βG∞D said...

I'm just now starting #13, so I may be off here. How would a wiki be better than Google Docs for online collaboration on student work? I'll see if I can answer my own question when I get there, but I figured you might have some ideas.

I like the idea of an internal school wiki. We could talk to Leah. I think the main thing would be to make sure people check it! :)

started a planning wiki for her team of teachers. She's an MS ELA teacher at SFMS. Let me see if she'll let us take a look I'm off to finish

mja said...

Let me what you come up with regarding wikis and Google Docs for student work.

bookeatersclub said...

And just think how a wiki could cut down on so many emails...