Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thing #17

I see the benefits of Rollyo, but again I had to sign up to use it. It was abit confusing at first.With so many user names and passwords I have had to come up, it can be overwhelming. I do try and stick to the same user name and password as much as I can. I have lost count on many websites I have had to join so far. In Rollyo I typed in "travel." It did give me a list of several websites I was not even aware of were out there. At first I had trouble finding my searchrolls. I went through the steps, but I could not find it in order for me to transfer it into this blog. I have concluded that it is easier for me just to type in my favorite websites as I use them. Rollyo is a time saver maybe for other people.

1 comment:

QueenB said...

I totally agree!!!