Monday, June 16, 2008

Thing #12

After reading, I am going to remember that it would be better if I use a my real name when blogging. Maybe not my full first name, but just my initials. That would be appropriate for friendly blogs between friends, or blogging for my rodeo committee, or blooging for educational purposes. My initials would be generic enough for privacy.Secondly, when blogging I need to remember to ask questions in my blog if I want others to respond. Having a dialogue going is important because I would get strangers' opinions about what I posted.
I read a blog about the teenage girl who delivered a baby in her school. The school nurse and her parents did not know she was pregnant. This blogger was writing that it was the nurses's responsibility to know she was pregnant by asking her when was her last cycle. I responded that it is not the job of the nurse alone to ask such questions. It was the girl's parents who should have noticed that their daughter's appearance was changing over the months. hence, I did not get a reply.

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