Friday, July 3, 2009


Facebook has added a dimension to my social network. I joined, and my circle of friends grew suddenly. I keep in contact with childhood friends, high school friends, and former students, among others. I have found people that I have not heard from in years! It has been a positive experience for me. Whether it is seeing vacation pictures from friends, reading a former student's daily diary of her new life in Mexico, or getting up-to-date news on a relative, Facebook helps to keep people connected. Nothing can compare to face-to-face conversations and phone conversations, but Facebook is a quick way to know what friends are doing. I joined Twitter, but I found myself not using it very often. Maybe I found it difficult to respond briefly when asked, "What are you doing now?" I wanted to see what all the rave was about twittering, and I found it not very useful for me.

Backchanneling helps students to be more engaged in discussions and activities by sharing their thought and questions. The teacher has the ability to use this feedback as teachable moments.

1 comment:

VWB said...

i don't plan to let people know what I'm doing minute by minute in Twitter...I plan on folllowing the experts listed in the blog posts to see what they say about changes in education and technology. I'm not sure I will be a serious Twitter user because I have trouble remembering to use my cell phone as it is !