In my opinion, many young people who grew up with the Internet may not realize that the Internet is a social network that involves protocol. Having face-to-face conversations and using IM/ emails are different forms of communication.Reading a message one receives via the computer will leave out gestures and body language that are needed for productive communication.
As school begins, my middle school students will address five concerns involving computers and the Internet.
1. When researching, the students need to investigate more than one source.
2. The students need to question any information they have gathered.
3. Checking over their work is necessary.
4. Students may think that everything on the Internet is accurate and true.They need to read with a watchful eye.
5. My students will be more aware of copyright issues. Sometimes students tend to copy and paste information into their own work. They need to realize that practice is not acceptable.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
10. Virtual Worlds

I must say that at first I could not get my mind around the concept of Virtual World.It was foreign to me. However, I think the students would enjoy the experience because it is in 3D and students would be able to interact, learn and communicate in an on-line environment.While exploring, I became interested in Literature Alive, English Village, and Historical Recreation. I need to go more in depth in order to get the full exposure. Finally, my avitar, MaryJo Delicioso, bounced around from place to place and met unknown people that just appeared on the screen with her. I don't know how that happened. As I said, I need to explore more with MaryJo Delicioso! From the picture above, my avitar is just relaxing by the sea. She wanted to scuba dive, but she hasn't learned yet!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
9. Slideshare
I found authorStream very easy to use. I made a PowerPoint on reading and its many "faces." My Power Point can be shared with iPods and uploaded on YouTube. It is another tool to share information to a greater number of people!
Friday, July 10, 2009
I found GoView very user friendly to use. I will definitely use this again in my classroom. Some of the students have trouble saving their work to their SANS folder. This will be a useful tool for me.
Monday, July 6, 2009
7. Video Resourses
My students enjoyed reading Twilight. Listening to the author helps the students see the author as a real person.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
6. iTouch
Re: A Little Trick with the IPod Touch or IPhone - More free videos are here
I found this video very helpful. I didn't know how to do a snapshot from the iTouch.I hope this video may help some people when using their iTouch. I was intrigued at all the other features that the iTouch had to offer though.
Using the iTouch in the library can be used by multiple students. If the students want to read books,the Stanza application is a wonderful electronic library. Students download a specific book to read and discuss.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Facebook has added a dimension to my social network. I joined, and my circle of friends grew suddenly. I keep in contact with childhood friends, high school friends, and former students, among others. I have found people that I have not heard from in years! It has been a positive experience for me. Whether it is seeing vacation pictures from friends, reading a former student's daily diary of her new life in Mexico, or getting up-to-date news on a relative, Facebook helps to keep people connected. Nothing can compare to face-to-face conversations and phone conversations, but Facebook is a quick way to know what friends are doing. I joined Twitter, but I found myself not using it very often. Maybe I found it difficult to respond briefly when asked, "What are you doing now?" I wanted to see what all the rave was about twittering, and I found it not very useful for me.
Backchanneling helps students to be more engaged in discussions and activities by sharing their thought and questions. The teacher has the ability to use this feedback as teachable moments.
Backchanneling helps students to be more engaged in discussions and activities by sharing their thought and questions. The teacher has the ability to use this feedback as teachable moments.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
4. Video Hosting
TeacherTube and SchoolTube: These two sites seem more regulated and monitored by teachers. Watching Internet videos, especially tutorial videos, help students who are visual learners understand the material. The videos can be paused and discussed.
I found this video about inferences on TeacherTube. I like the idea of taking song lyrics that students would recognize and having the students come up with several inferences about the lyrics. Not only are the lyrics heard, but they are also written in the video which is beneficial to both the visual and auditory learners.
With SchoolTube, what better way for administrators to market their school and faculty! If parents are shopping for schools, parents can get a glimpse of the school first hand. Nothing against YouTube, but students are more likely to stumble across questionable material here. One click of the mouse, and the student ends up watching a questionable video.
FYI...In order for me to register for certain websites, I am leery when I am asked for my first and last name, zip code, and my birth date. So I have declined on some websites just for those personal reasons. I guess I could give them incorrect information on personal information in order for me to register. Is anyone else leery about giving out certain information?
3. Skype
Skype can be helpful for students to communicate with other students across town or around the country. Students can chat with others, and it can be used as feedback on projects. Students in one part of the country can witness other cultures and customs while learning happens in real-time. Every student has a voice.
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